Divine Groove is a radio show on KBCZ 90.1FM hosted by Melissa Stone Santangelo, CMT and Daniel Gross C.Ht, focusing on topics that benefit the community. What the show is about; Melissa Stone Santangelo is a CMT and the owner of Balance Studio Spa in Felton. She has been giving TLC to the San Lorenzo Valley for over 11 years. Daniel Gross is a C. HT and the owner of Hypnosis Santa Cruz in Scotts Valley. He has been helping people change their negative behaviors for 3 years. We’ll be highlighting influential, imaginative, and intelligent people who make a difference in the San Lorenzo Valley and beyond! We’ll always keep it upbeat and positive, in the *Divine Groove*.Do you or someone you know have something amazing or helpful to share? Let us know, and give us a Like! Thanks! Check out a clip of our Tell Me Something Good segment
Check out our first show featuring Bruce Lipton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5gzdNosY0c Here is our second show featuring Santa Cruz Reiki Works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ_M9Wc1RT0 Our third show with local healer Adora Deva http://youtu.be/Rq0g2uuJU_g Contact us we would love to hear your thoughts about the show, show ideas and Tell Us Something Good!